Ingrow Tool

  • £6.95 ex VAT
  • £8.34 inc VAT
Miscellaneous Instruments [Stainless Steel] Ingrow Tool

The Ingrow Tool is a revolutionary product designed to help individuals effectively remove ingrown hairs. Manufactured by a leading company in the beauty industry, this tool is made with high-quality materials to ensure durability and longevity. The Ingrow Tool features a unique design that allows for precise and gentle removal of ingrown hairs. The tool is equipped with a sharp, pointed tip that can easily penetrate the skin to reach the hair follicle. The tip is also designed to be gentle on the skin, preventing any unnecessary irritation or damage. This product is perfect for individuals who suffer from ingrown hairs on various parts of their body, including the face, legs, and bikini area. The Ingrow Tool is easy to use and can be used by both men and women. To use the Ingrow Tool, simply sterilize the tip with alcohol and gently insert it into the skin surrounding the ingrown hair. Once the tip is in place, gently pull the hair out of the skin. The Ingrow Tool can be used on both fresh and older ingrown hairs. Overall, the Ingrow Tool is a must-have product for anyone who struggles with ingrown hairs. Its unique design and high-quality materials make it a reliable and effective tool for removing ingrown hairs with ease. Try it out today and experience the difference for yourself!
